Saturday, January 25, 2014

RUP & SA Students Paint at Sonoma Academy

RUP students working on their first encaustic piece!

Building Texture

SA student & RUP student

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sonoma Academy Art Class Visits Roseland University Prep Art Class

Fred Vedder's Classroom

 Today, students from Sonoma Academy went to visit Roseland University Prep for an introduction to the joint project, Iconography of the Ancient Civilizations of Mesoamerica, Greece and Rome through Encaustic.  Art instructors, Hillary Younglove and Fred Vedder gave encaustic demonstrations to the students.

Hillary demonstrating gold transfer.
The project introduces students to the iconography of the ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica, Rome and Greece through the medium of encaustic. A variety of techniques will be covered: painting flat and building texture, embedding photography and doing tranfers, and applying three-dimensional objects.  Each student will complete a minimum of two 8x8 inch panels, one Roman or Greek inspired, and one Olmec, Aztec, Zapotec, Mixtec or Mayan. These panels will become part of two 4x6 foot installations using motifs from these cultures, comparing and contrasting epigraphy, colossus heads, other forms of sculpture, architecture, and wall painting. These panels will reside on both campuses.

RUP students experimenting with encaustics.

Fred talking about building texture with wax.

Hillary demonstrating image transfer.

This project has been generously sponsored by R&F Paints Color for Knowledge Program and Friedman's.

Various encaustic styles and samples.