Thursday, September 19, 2013

Switchboard-A Meeting Place for Art Exchanges

Switchboard Photo: P.K. Weis
For 20 years I've had students involved in art exchanges with schools abroad and within the US. Through these exchanges we share artwork, our cultural identities, and deal with the issues of our times and past. This fall the theme is Identity. We will do a virtual art exchange with the SOLA school in Afghanistan, Joshibi School in Japan and Roseland University Prep . Students in Sonoma Academy's foundation art class (a beginning art course of primarily 9th graders) will be initiating the project.

This spring the studio art class (10-12th grade) will be doing an exchange with a local public school, Roseland University Prep. The theme will deal with the Iconography of the Ancient Civilizations of Mesoamerica, Rome and Greece through the Medium of Encaustic. Two collaborative works of art will be created to reside at both schools. 

Here are some projects we worked on with the Joshibi School over the past few years. These were real art exchanges where each school mailed the collaborative art pieces to display in Tokyo and Santa Rosa.